We have another star car on display at the August Wheels at Prescott event on the 18th August. The question is what car is it? Just a bit of fun... Have a guess and send it to info@wheelsatprescott.co.uk. As an incentive, the first person to guess the make, model and variant correctly will get free entry for a car/bike and a meal voucher for use in the Clubhouse.

If no one guesses correctly by the 11th August we will post another photo to make it a little easier!
Wheels at Prescott is a monthly social event organised by Friends of Prescott. The event is held usually on a Thursday evening from 5pm. It is an opportunity to enjoy and share Prescott with people that share the passion of all things motoring. If you are interested in knowing more about Wheels at Prescott then check out the website by clicking on the below link.