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The Who, What, Where, Why and How...

Friends of Prescott was formed by the Bugatti Owners' Club in 2008 to raise funds to provide sympathetic improvements to the estate and facilities offered to all visitors to Prescott. 

The Bugatti Owners' Club, since its formation in 1929, has constantly sought to provide great motorsport at our beautiful Cotswold setting.  However, with this comes a responsibility; to look after and enhance this super location, to give enjoyment to the Club's existing supporters and to future generations of motorsport enthusiasts. Friends of Prescott exists to achieve this by raising funds through social events, sponsorship, bequests and donations.

Friends is manned by volunteers, some Bugatti Owners' Club members, some not. Each is passionate about Prescott and keen to donate their experience, enthusiasm and commitment to provide enjoyable experiences to all visitors, of all ages and ability.

Because we are volunteers, this significantly benefits our fund raising. No Friends funds will be used until authorised by the governing Council of the Bugatti Owners' Club and only for specific qualifying capital projects.

If this has interested you to contribute to our fundraising in whatever way, please contact us via the button below.

Give a Donation to Friends 

Friends of Prescott was formed by the Bugatti Owners' Club in 2008 to raise funds to provide sympathetic improvements to the estate and facilities offered to all visitors to Prescott. 


If you would like to support their work to improve facilities at Gloucestershire's only Pre-war motorsport venue then please donate below. 


Thank you for helping us make a difference!

FOP Donation

A timeline of developments...

2012 - Prescott Clubhouse Phase 1

Many fundraising events and donations raised around £120,000 towards this project. This, along with a generous contribution from the VSCC, allowed us to complete the initial phase of the Clubhouse refurbishment.

Since then it has been a great facility for the Club's competitive and social events. This phase was completed and first opened in its refurbished form in March 2013. 



Receiving a financial Donation is always extremely welcome.  But we also appreciate donations of Time from people who are keen to help us with our work.  We also gratefully accept donations of items for sale, whether 'Gifts in Memoriam' such as Memorabilia, Automobilia etc. or any items that have a value but are no longer needed.  We get great satisfaction from knowing that a valued item finds a new home.  Donated items are sold at realistic prices through the Visitor Centre in the Paddock on event days or through the online shop. We are also happy to take items on commission where Friends receives a share of the proceeds.

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