Following the announcement from the Prime Minster with regards to the easing of lockdown in England, and a further announcement from Motorsport UK confirming that permits will be issued for competition events from 29th March, I wanted to write to you to advise how this will affect the Club and Prescott Hill Climb.
Motorsport UK have confirmed they will be issuing permits from 29th March, so we are pleased to advise that competition events will resume at Prescott as previously scheduled on our website. These will initially be run behind closed doors (in line with government restrictions), but will be live streamed through the Club’s social media channels, as we did last year. Entries for these events will be opening online shortly and we will communicate the specific details of this to all competitors very soon.
In addition to this, we are also now awaiting further advice from Motorsport UK on restart guidelines and any affect this may have on how events are run and managed. Likewise, we await their specific advice on spectator attendance at events, which we will then consider and discuss through various committees prior to making a further announcement.
Additionally, as the Prime Minsters announcement discussed formal organised sport only, we are seeking clarification on how this announcement affects non-competitive events, such as the Members Drive Thru which is scheduled for 17th April. Once we have further news on this, we will publish a more detailed announcement on the website.
I know many of you will also be thinking about The Clubhouse and I’m pleased to advise that this is fully operational and ready to welcome you all back in line with the government’s timetable. We have now re-opened for bookings and enquiries for private functions in the latter part of this year and beyond.
Another question I anticipate from many competitors is with regards to camping. We will be allowing this in The Orchard for two-day meetings, in line with the government’s timetable at the appropriate time.
In addition to this, I am aware that the first round of the Henny’s Cider Classic Speed Championship and New Barn Landrover Championship were scheduled to be held at Loton Park on 21st March, which obviously falls outside of when competition will be allowed to resume. I will be contacting Hagley and District Light Car Club and seeking clarification as to if they are looking to reschedule or cancel the event. I will contact all registered competitors to advise the outcome in due course.
Finally, as always, I thank you for your continued support of the Club during the pandemic. 2020 was an extraordinarily hard year for the Club, but by sticking together we made it through. Now it’s time to work towards Prescott returning to the days of a busy paddock, buzzing Clubhouse and serious, but friendly competition being at the core of what we do. A challenge that I’m sure we can all agree, is a much happier one than the more recent challenges we have faced together.
I look forward to seeing you back at the Estate very soon.
Gemma Price
General Manager
